Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10/28 DNA Structure y'all

Today in class, we went over the lesson about DNA structure and function. 

Some basic concepts-

Erwin Chargaff found:
1) Composition of DNA varied from one species to another- bases= A, C, T, G
2) A=T (straight edge letters)
C=G (curved letters)

The base pairs (A to T, and C to G) are held together by hydrogen bonds

C and T are pyrimindines 
G an A are purines 

The nucleotide is made up of phosphate, sugar and a base. 
The phosphodiester is the bond between the sugar and phosphate.

The structure has two ends 
1) phosphate= 5 prime
2) sugar=3 prime (3 carbon)

The sugar molecule has an OH attached to it. It only recognizes it because it is polar (negative). 

It is a little hard to explain, so here is a picture of what I am talking about. 

In class, we also made our own paper DNA structures. 

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