Saturday, September 28, 2013

8/23 Unit 1 Objectives

Distinguishing between quantitative and qualitative: Quantitative is definable by numbers whereas qualitative is using description and senses.

Controlled Experiment:
A controlled experiment is used to compare experimental values. To prove your results are right or not you can check your control specimen. A control is a known result or fact. 

Element: Consists of one atom and cannot be broken down
Compound: Consists of one or more of the same or different atoms and it can be broken down.

Determine the number of neutrons of an element:
You can determine the number of neutrons by subtracting the atomic number (number of protons/electrons) from the mass number.

Biological Applications that use radioactive isotopes:

Radioactive Isotopes are alternate forms of an atom with the same protons but different neutrons.

1) Radiation therapy for cancer
Doctors use targeted x-rays to destroy cancer cells (cobalt)
     A) Radioimmunotherapy
              Inject with isotopes attached where they flow through the bloodstream energy from isotopes targeted     
              straight to cancer 

Why strong covalent bonds and weak bonds are both essential in living organisms:
Strong bonds provide rigid support (like bone structure), and link atoms to form molecules. Weak bonds provide flexibility where they can be broken down and made again easily (DNA). 

Why are water molecules polar?   

Why are water molecules capable of hydrogen bonding with four neighboring water molecules?

Cohesion and Adhesion:
Cohesion is when the molecules stick together and adhesion is the joining of two different substances due to attractive forces. 

Movement of water form roots to leaves of a tree
1) Adhesion is the water sticking to the side walls of trees and moving up the tree
2) Cohesion is responsible for making the water molecules cooperate with each other. 

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