Saturday, September 28, 2013

9/10 Organic Compounds

Organic Compounds

Carbohydrates: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
1) Monosaccharides (CH2O)*
Isomers- molecules with the same chemical formula but with atoms in a different arrangement. 

Example- glucose... (mammals= animal glands) (CH2O)6
fructose... (fruit in plants) structural

2) Disaccharide: when two monosaccharides bond together

Example- Sucrose (sugar) consists of glucose and fructose. They can be broken down by hydrolysis. 

Both monosaccharides and disaccharides are simple sugars which provide the major source of energy to living cells. 

3) Polysaccharide: when more than two monosaccharides bond together
-store energy and form structural tissues 

Lipids: fats/oils
1) Saturated Fatty Acids: carbon atoms bonded to as many hydrogen atoms as possible

The chain is straight and packed tight! 000000000000

2) Unsaturated: carbon atoms not bonded to as many hydrogen atoms as possible

The additional grouping causes the chain to bend    

Why are lipids important?:
  • Storing energy and forming cell membrane
  • Supply cells with energy
  • Essential fatty acids: human body can't make, must consume in food
  • Dietary lipids: fatty acids, trans fat, cholesterol 
Proteins: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur

1) Amino Acids: smaller units of proteins
2) Structure: Amino acids form chains

A protein consists of one or more polypeptide chains

3) Functions
  • shape of cells
  • majority of muscle tissue
  • enzymes speed up chemical reactions in cells
  • antibodies destroy foreign substances in body
  • carry messages
  • bond with other molecules
Nucleic Acids: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus


1) Structure: chains made of nucleotides

a) base 
b) sugar (ribose in RNA, deoxyribose in DNA
DNA is just missing OH
c) phosphate group

**Sugars and phosphate form backbone of nucleotide chain



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