Monday, November 11, 2013

11/11 (Make a Wish) The Operon System

The operon system goes through the replication process.
Heres a recap of replication
First, helicase breaks the hydrogen bonds
RNA primase goes in with its RNA nucleotides and adds an OH- to the 3 prime side to make it polar
DNA Poly III reads it
DNA Poly I replaces RNA nucleotides with DNA nucleotides
Lastly, DNA Ligase goes in and fills those fragment gaps with phosphodiester bonds

Operon System- regulatory gene creating a key

Trp Operon System (creating Amino Acid Trp)
DNA goes through transcription, mRNA goes through translation and creates a protein
The protein is the key (repressor) to unlock the door (the operator)
The RNA polymerase reads it
Tryptophan is made
This whole area of the system is the promoter (open door)

Lactose Operon (Creating enzyme lactase; disaccharide)
Glucose and Galactose- we cannot digest
Protein is inserted with Allolactose (inducer) which makes it inactive 
The protein unlocks from operator and the RNA polymerase is able to read it and make Lactase

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