Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11/18 Genetics: Monohybrid Crosses

1. DNA
goes through transcription- RNA polymerase 
2. mRNA- processing... introns out/cap and tail
goes through translation- ribosome (5-3)/tRNA bus system
3. Amino Acid
4. Polypeptides- proteins make traits 

Physical and biochemical (inside of you)
Example. lactase- enzyme
break down lactase

Lactose intolerant -no lactase
gene malfunction: mutation, point base, deletion, insertion (jumping genes)

Traits "Alleles"
Dominant- always shows (A_)
Recessive- (Aa)

2 types of cells 
Somatic- body cells
Mitosis: cell division 23 pairs(1/2 mom 1/2 dad) creating identical daughter cells (DNA replication)
Gametic- sex cells (gender)

pea plants 
traits- smooth or wrinkle 
color: green/yellow
height: tall/dwarf
flower color 

-math data 
"trends" something being passed
-didn't know DNA

homozygous- same AA(p2) aa (q2)
heterozygous- different Aa (2pq)
dominant- A_
recessive- aa
phenotype- physical traits
genotype- genes Aa (letters)
F1- first offspring/generation
     carrier or hybrid- heterozygous
     pure- homozygous
Backcross- F1 mate w/parents

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